Thursday, February 14, 2008


I know you are thinking that I left town or got that supermodel job, but no, I have been entertaining at home. I have a new housemate. I little dog that looks too much like me (except brown) and she is a wee bit of a ... well, (she's from Tennesee) HOWEVER. Today was my day. I dont have a picture to post, but it was all about ME!!! I got woke up today to my Mommie signing Happy Birthday to -ME!!!!!!

Today is my birthday, and like all southern ladies, I am not gonna tell you how old I am, and you better not ask! (cause Mom fergot!)

SO! I get woke up and it's a little chilly for somebody 10 inches tall, so Mom put my favorite pirate Tshirt it says "Good Girl Gone Bad" and it has a skull and crossbones on it, PINK and black, of course! Then
Mom broke out a new PINK DIAMOND collar, and put it on me, and then we went to work (where I have my OWN chair!)

When we got there, Mom took me to see my friend Denise who is a doggie-beautician! I got a bath and brush, and some cologne, and a PAW-dicure, complete with pink polish. Everybody was saying how cute I looked and telling me happy birthday!

At lunchtime Mom got a double cheeseburger and baked potato and shared them with me. Beef and taters for lunch! YUMMY!!!

That was almost enough for me to need a nap, but there's MORE!!

right in our plaza is a digital photographer, and he gave out coupons for a free 5X7 portrait, so since I was already lovely, Mom took me down and I had my birthday portrait done!! I looked fantastic too!!! The print was free, but we cant have the CD unless we pay for it, but I know my Mom, she is gonna get that CD! There are six more pictures of me looking adorable!

I am back home now, Mom has promised cake for me, just to make sure it is an official birthday. What a wonderful day! what a wonderful Mommy! I am a happy spoiled little Valentines Baby!!

Mom needs to come on with that cake , I am getting tired!, BEE, tell all your friends I would like a personal Happy Birthday note!

YEA!!! I did get cake, and candles too!
Mom only let me have a few bites, cause I dont want a tummy ache!
I had a wonderful Valentines Birthday
Good night!