Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mi brother dog is gone!

I dont unnerstand these thingS but mommy is crying and crying. I am giving her lots of kisses. she says she made this for Chuckie

I am sorry I called you stupid Chuck, I miss you,
lil sis MINI

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It has been a long time since I have been on the computer. My mom has been hogging it up. I have been busy too, so I have finally stolen the computer (well, she is at work, actually).
My mom hasn't told many people about our new house guest. Mostly because they look at her like she is slap out of her mind. So now there are SIX furbabies (counting Stupid Chuck)
See, mom's friend said she had to give up her dog, cause she was getting kicked out of her apartment. So rather than getting a ROOMMATE, she decided to take the dog in.
So now there is a little Tennessee redneck Chihuahua dog (a girl) named "PIGLET"!! ( can you imagine??) Piggie looks like me(kinda) but is the same color as stupid Chuck. We have pictures of her, but I can't get to them, so here is one from the internet that looks exactly like her!
When she first came here she was scared and would pee her pants, if you tried to pick her up, but she is OK now. The only reason I am letting her stay is because mom will NOT allow her to sleep in the bed with us, and she also will play with stupid Chuck, so he leaves me alone.
Piggie has to stay in a crate,mom says it is because she gets nervous and does dumb stuff. like the time she got mom's glasses off the counter (don't ask!) and chewed them, and one time she chewed on the WALL in the hallway. I don't know, but I think this dog may be as stupid as Chuck!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mommy is a dog!!!

we made mom take a test too! to find out what kind of DOG she would be!! hahahahaha. A BIG one, thats fer sure! we was wrong. here is mommies DOG test!! it does kind of sound like her, and Vincent Van Gogh is her favorite artist ever....
Wow, You're a Jack Russell Terrier!

Jack Russell Terrier
The Artist

You, my friend, are an artiste! Fuelled by a hounding sense of creativity and an untameable desire to express yourself, you see the world through rose-colored glasses one day and then wrestle the curtains closed and turn off the lights so you can ponder life the next. Your dog-eared journal is filled with brilliant ideas about rescuing the universe, yet you have trouble training your noggin on any one of them for any significant amount of time. Your originality occasionally manifests itself as performance art, and you love showing off your amazing athletic abilities in front of an audience. When it comes to taking on the leader of the pack, you’re not afraid to sink your teeth in - and won't loosen your grip until you've gotten your point across.

FAMOUS JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS: Vincent van Gogh, Virginia Woolf, Prince, Janis Joplin

LIKELY PROFESSIONS: Painter, Architect, Software Engineer, Activist

We is CELEBRITY dogs!

My big stupid brother Chuck took a pawsonallity test at dogster, to find out his human celebrity type...They got ol Chuckie pegged, all righty!! They couldn't have beeen more righter, if they lived with that idiot!
Chuck is....
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Johnny Knoxville! Find out at Dogster.com
to steal a line frum Jeter Harris...... Mom was laffin an laffin!!
Now it is MY turn! I am sure I will be someone smart and beautiful, maybe like princess grace.... I'll be back in a minuter and tell you. Just hum the "Jeapordy" music while I'm gone

OK, Well, mom says this test was obviously meant for boy dogs,and is totally wrong for me, or maybe I am a true original. But she made me take it twice cause the first time they told me I was OPRAH, for crying out loud. Mom cant stand her. So she told me to think about the questions more and try again. I hafta, cause well, I am a good girl and do what mom says
I tried real hard and this time it says I am...
What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Jennifer Lopez! Find out at Dogster.com
J-LO aint bad, cute, sassy ,rich and young. Plus she has that nice skin that never gets sunburned. I'll accept that

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


OK! enough is enough! I have tried to be a good doggie and I love my mommie, but this time, I almost got ATE BY A ALLYGATER!!

I did get to eat fritos, and eggs and apple bread an steak, an stuff, but the fatter I got the closer that allygater came!

And I dont like that fire either, and there's bugs!

I do have a little fun though, every morning we go for a walk, and I can run-run-run down the little road, plus Chuckie is not there, so I am the only doggie...


Thursday, February 14, 2008


I know you are thinking that I left town or got that supermodel job, but no, I have been entertaining at home. I have a new housemate. I little dog that looks too much like me (except brown) and she is a wee bit of a ... well, (she's from Tennesee) HOWEVER. Today was my day. I dont have a picture to post, but it was all about ME!!! I got woke up today to my Mommie signing Happy Birthday to -ME!!!!!!

Today is my birthday, and like all southern ladies, I am not gonna tell you how old I am, and you better not ask! (cause Mom fergot!)

SO! I get woke up and it's a little chilly for somebody 10 inches tall, so Mom put my favorite pirate Tshirt it says "Good Girl Gone Bad" and it has a skull and crossbones on it, PINK and black, of course! Then
Mom broke out a new PINK DIAMOND collar, and put it on me, and then we went to work (where I have my OWN chair!)

When we got there, Mom took me to see my friend Denise who is a doggie-beautician! I got a bath and brush, and some cologne, and a PAW-dicure, complete with pink polish. Everybody was saying how cute I looked and telling me happy birthday!

At lunchtime Mom got a double cheeseburger and baked potato and shared them with me. Beef and taters for lunch! YUMMY!!!

That was almost enough for me to need a nap, but there's MORE!!

right in our plaza is a digital photographer, and he gave out coupons for a free 5X7 portrait, so since I was already lovely, Mom took me down and I had my birthday portrait done!! I looked fantastic too!!! The print was free, but we cant have the CD unless we pay for it, but I know my Mom, she is gonna get that CD! There are six more pictures of me looking adorable!

I am back home now, Mom has promised cake for me, just to make sure it is an official birthday. What a wonderful day! what a wonderful Mommy! I am a happy spoiled little Valentines Baby!!

Mom needs to come on with that cake , I am getting tired!, BEE, tell all your friends I would like a personal Happy Birthday note!

YEA!!! I did get cake, and candles too!
Mom only let me have a few bites, cause I dont want a tummy ache!
I had a wonderful Valentines Birthday
Good night!